…you’re wrong! These girls are hilarious and wickedly smart and curious. Special thanks to those especially hilarious, wickedly smart, deeply curious writers who bravely traipsed around a wintry Zilker Park with Write Well Austin on Saturday morning!
Our Saturday workshoppers wrote about wolves and skies and tragic car accidents, among many other subjects equally varied and complex. They suggested (for reasons I still don’t understand; I advise you not to try) that Write Well Austin be changed to “Write Well Rachel.” They did not complain about the cold a single time, they helped me design a future workshop, and, during my favorite moment of the day, they built extraordinary fairy homes from rocks, sticks, leaves, and grass, then told stories about their inhabitants. Note: Soon-to-be-scheduled workshop will center around building fairy homes and telling/writing stories about them.
Watch out for these deceptively small fiction writers; they will break your heart and make you laugh and scare the pants off you at the same time (and sometimes, they will call you “Rachel” for no apparent reason).
Photos, clockwise from upper left: 1) Writer finding peace and inspiration by the water; 2) Reflections in Barton Creek; 3) Writers exploring and making notes on the sights, sounds, and sensations they encountered in Zilker; 4) A beautiful fairy home.