This twelve-week course is designed for writers who have begun work on a novel but are looking for the necessary structure, guidance, motivation, and inspiration to reach the end of their first draft.
This class will help you push past those first-draft jitters and finally complete your manuscript.
In the class, each writer sets weekly writing goals and is regularly accountable for sharing and discussing their weekly pages with another writer in class.
Each workshop session begins with a 30-minute lesson on craft that helps writers better tackle issues of plot, character, theme, tone, and pacing.
Writers then work in small groups to discuss their weekly pages. This discussion is not a “workshop” in the traditional sense. Instead, it is a supportive dialogue in which writers can work through their challenges, anxieties, and processes. (Many of these dialogue structures will be sourced from Matthew Salesses’ tremendous book Craft in the Real World.) These rich conversations help writers generate new ideas, fuel momentum, and navigate tricky writing blocks.
Twice during the class, writers will receive individualized feedback on their work-in-progress from the instructor.
Each class also includes structured writing time in which writers apply that week’s craft lesson to the latest chapter of their work-in-progress.
By the end of the course, each writer will have completed a full first draft of their novel. They’ll also have gained key insights into the hard and soft skills needed to complete a novel.
Writers in this class can expect to:
Make consistent, weekly progress toward their ultimate goal: a completed manuscript.
Gain confidence in the novel-writing process, particularly when it comes to issues of plot, character development, and theme.
Connect with other writers who provide consistent support, insight, and camaraderie.
Access more structure and accountability on their novel-writing journey.
Take part in two one-on-one conferences with the instructor about their book.
Complete a full first draft of their novel.
Have questions about whether this workshop is right for you? Please feel free to email me with questions at
Class fee: $550.00
Link to enroll: